Abacus is an instrument that was invented some 2500 years ago primarily in China, which later on spread through countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia etc. It was used in the ancient times for calculating numbers through basic arithmetic system. It has now been proven as a complete brain development tool over last two decades.
Abacus became popular over the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument into a system having immense power to benefit children of small ages by expanding the brain usage, in addition to making maths learning easy and effective.
The image displayed is that of a structure of an abacus
An abacus instrument allows performing basic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It can also carry out operations such as counting up to decimal places, calculates sums having negative numbers etc.
Children using Abacus are found to be superior in the accuracy of their memory and the number of digits they are able to memorize when compared with non-abacus learners of the same age. This is because the abacus children place numbers on the abacus image in their head as they mentally calculate with abacus method.
It improves the image memory. It becomes easier for the children to do mental maths quickly with accuracy.
It helps the student in solving mathematical problems. The accurate and rapid calculation leads to better marks in mathematical calculations. In addition, a positive effect is seen as the children are quick in calculating fractional numbers too.
The advantage of Abacus learning is that the learners can calculate simple mathematical problems rapidly and accurately. They acquire the ability of doing mental maths utilizing the abacus image, which allows quick calculations without actually using the ABACUS.
At the end of this programme, child can do Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division large numbers with greater speed than the calculator and computer, because ABACUS is the father of modern computer.
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